Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cluster Visit

What a great day we had visiting our wonderful schools in the cluster to share their ICT journey. Thank you all for the open doors and welcoming smiles.

North - love the inquiry model and the target is a great image. Did like talking tothe children, they all knew what direction they were travelling and were busy and excited aobut planning their holiday. Loved the eye toy in on of the classrooms - an innovative idea! What great strength you have in leadership and the ICt team - vey impressive ad a real credit to your school culture.
Koputaroa - what a gorgeous school. Was great to see all the language of thinking evident throughout theschool. Again the children were really hooked into learning and the use of ICT was seemless - most impressed with the junior end of the school - a great role model for many other junior teachers to see that it can be done. Was very impressed with the quality of questioning that came from the little people - they were really focussed on their question, and very determined to answer it - one little fellow invited us back so he could prove that he knew how to answer his question - A fantastic example of a self motivated learner!!! WOW!!!! Really impressed with the KERERU model - thought is was fantastic how it was linked to the school culture and how the staff worked collaboratively to reach that model - it was refreshing to see that you have taken the time to develop this - bet you are looking forward to your first inquiry next year - best of luck
Foxton - Something that stunned me was the passion and drive that Miss Ani has - with a tricky school situation - it would be easy to put development on the back burner - hats of to you Ani - you have made a massive impact with ICT and inquiry and the kids are buzzing! Did likethe idea of te 'host' computer and will be investigating that further, to see if it could be possible inour school.

Once again thatnk you all for a gret day
Celebrate your successes -you deserve it

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