Monday, November 3, 2008

A big shift!!!!

Yesterday we had a quick meeting on how our inquiry is going this term.
We did a PMI and was most impressed about the amount and quality of the positive comments! We are beginning to see the benefits of inquiry learning and how we can see it impacting on the learning of our students.

The Positives!!!!!

We are taking more risks as teachers
Using ICT as a tool more than before
Children have indepth thinking and actions
We have the common language throughout the school
Questions and model on display throughout the schoolWe are thinking outside the internet
Exploring ICT resources to support our inquiry
Using other technologies – fax and email
Using graphic organisers more freely – also they integrate into other topics
The childrens critical thinking is increasing in both use and quality
Explicit teaching of thinking tools not needed as much as children know how to use these tools
Definite improvement on group dynamics – able to work effectively with a bigger variety of children
Children are leading the inquiry more and with confidenceThere are more reflections made by the learner throughout the inquiry

The Negatives!!!
  • Time constraints, getting outside the classroom
    Accessing materials – not so hands onTapping into the motivation of the students can be tricky
Interesting - where to next!!!!
  • Verbalising the language and stages of the model as we progress through the inquiry
  • Making sure teachers think creatively about how to immerse children and motivate them throughout the inquiry

This reminded us that we need to spend time reflecting and celebrating our successes - it isn't until we have it down in front of us that we sit back and realise just what a positive impact inquiry is having on our teaching and learning.

Congratulations ODS - what a fantastic effort you have and are continuing to make!!!!

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