Monday, November 9, 2009

Reflection on Inquiry

How do you think our model is working? Are there any changes that need to be made?
I think the model is working OK, seems to be a natural flow on. The main aspect that isn’t really working too well is the knowledge if it by the students. Ideally it would be better to have it as a mnemonic but I think changing it at this stage would not be beneficial. I think that it is up to the teachers to use the language when teaching to the model and also for visuals to be evident in the classroom – there are visuals now but perhaps they need redesigning so they are more eye catching to the students, and not just in the classrooms but also down the corridor, on the website and in the staffroom – the higher the exposure the better it will be.
Within each stage, are there any issues that you have, what are they and do you have any suggestions for further development?
I still feel that the immersion stage is vitally important, this sets up the whole inquiry. However, I know for me that this can drag out a bit and perhaps we need to set some time limits for each stage – so the momentum continues – just something to think about.
Also I do think that action needs to drive the inquiry – there needs to be a purpose for the students. I feel that although our inventors unit was fun, it was hard to work through the stages due to the very nature of the unit, perhaps we need to do more strategic planning so that each stage is utilised the best.
The assessment rubric seems to be working thus far - do we need to make changes and are there any other aspects of assessment that need further discussions?
There seems to be large jumps from a few sections. There is a lot of skills needed to move form one stage to another and sometimes the lines are a bit blurred. I do think we need a whole stage at each skill for doing things with support, this is not in there yet. I still think that this needs to be coded more so the lines aren’t as blurred, one teachers opinion or judgement could be very different from anothers, if we used something like SOLO then there would be no confusions – this is a direction that the whole school would need to invest in and would be a new pathway to follow, perhaps an option for when we are more comfortable with the changes we are making now.
Can you suggest any ideas to further develop our understanding of inquiry?
I do believe that seeing inquiry in action would be beneficial, it is fine having lead teacher bring ideas back but each teacher sees tings differently, having first hand expereince has to be more valuable for the individuals. However, there needs to be a self motivation from each staff member to do their own research and learning. It can’t be left up to one person. My biggest worry is that since lead teacher wont be in the school for the first half of next year, that the momentum will slow, someone needs to continue to drive this, teachers need to be researching and trialling ideas for this to continue to develop.
Discuss the use of ICTs throughout the inquiry process.
ICTs are a vital component of inquiry, it is a mind shift that is needed. Once we are confident with applications we need to think creatively about how the can benefit learners and create authentic learning experiences. I would love to see our school continue to move forward with this, to get more on the global stage, but investment and the importance placed on ICT will need to change for this to happen. Our hardware lets us down, yes I realise that it is an expense, but it really comes do to priorities and also teacher skills level and the willing to continually push yourself out of your comfort zone.
How do you think our supporting documentation is going - are there any gaps that we need to fill?
It has taken a long time (believe me I know) but the documentation will be ready in the next couple of weeks.
Each staff member has received it in stages has they have been developed, but now it is collated and will be in a inquiry folder for each class.
What PD support would you find most beneficial in 2010 as far as ICT and inquiry goes?
Visiting other schools, teacher motivation and expectations lifted from the leader of the school to ensure there is still and importance placed on this change we are making.

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