Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where we are at with inquiry

ICT-PD07 – as part of my action plan, I set a goal to design an inquiry model for the middle school to trial. This model was based on Action Learning which was already used in the school during integrated topic.
The aim was to use this model to introduce a greater focus on the processes involved in ‘action research’ but also involve a focus on the essential skills (eventually developing to the key competencies). Through this focus was the introduction of ICT and thinking skills. The aim was for ICT learning to run throughout the inquiry as well as developing a core stock of thinking maps to assist with information gathering skills etc

At this stage the children organise their learning, what they already know, through to what they want to find out and how they are going to do this.
We decided to trial specific thinking tools to assist this stage, the model required specific information at each step.
Once trialled we found that this stage was too prescribed and too many aspects were closely linked and we were just recording for the sake of recording - this stage was important to set up the inquiry but needed a lot of refining.
Locate information using specific thinking tools and ICT applications
Interpret the information found
Answer answer your questions and providd evidence of impact or consequences
This stage flowed a lot better, the children are well practised at this type of analysing. However, once the information was discovered, it was redundant, there was little place to showcase, this needs to be refined also. Basically we had the information but other than presenting it their was no avenue to take action with it.
Create the presentation of information found
Communicate this information to a selected audience - however, as previously said, there was no real context for this information to mean anything, it was just like presenting an essay sort of thing.
Critique - look at the process, evaluate it and think about the learning that has taken place and the success or weakness of the processes.
Due to the trial topic of young entrepreneurs, this was specific to the audience at our mini market day. We are unsure how this would work with a different, less practical topic, this also needs refining.

Throughout the whole process, ICT's and thinking tools were specifically taught and used, this proved to be the most benefically aspect of the model. It encourage teachers to exit their comfort zones and exposed the children to a variety of strategies that they could transfer to other areas of their learning.

Each teacher was provided with a handbook, in both digital and paper form. This required specific teaching of information illiteracies and specific goals for ICT integration and goal setting. The whole school opted to trial the first draft with a young entrepreneurs topic - probably, most definitely not the best topic to begin and inquiry on, but we all gave it a go anyway.

Yellow Hat
Specific planning ensure teaching and learning is focussed and meaningful
Use of graphic organisers, ideas flow, transferring skills to other areas
You can see the steps clearly
Having a good immersion stage really motivated the children
Went like clockwork
Changing habits and ways of learning
Learning more skills – especially with ICT
Worked well with groups
Good model
Focussed guided learning
Excellent social and cooperative skill development

Black Hat
Too segmented
Ordering of steps not needed
Some steps too closely related
Rich question needs to be earlier
Need time to evaluate – some parts were rushed
We didn’t revisit the learning in the following term
Actions question – eliminate – use question map
Can we integrate it onto other areas so teaching is even more focussed and in context

Where to next?
We really went in blind and hadn’t put the time into researching inquiry correctly
We need to work as a team, so it is not just one person driving this but rather a journey together
Research inquiry more, discover what suits our own learning community
Create visuals to create a common language throughout the school
Make it simple and effective so it will be sustainable
Since our first trial, we haven’t revisited it, this needs to be an ongoing document with more commitment to develop it further
Getting time to develop these ideas further would also be a bonus

So this is where we are at the moment, from Learning at Schools I have been given more direction on where to begin the process of developing our local school curriculum, a long but exciting process is ahead of us. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Learning at Schools

After a huge week of very inspiring information overload, I have begun to think about where our school wants to go with inquiry.
The first place to start is to sort out our VISION - Trevor Bond is an amazing wealth of knowledge, and has given me a great place to start.
Here's looking forward to a fantastic learning journey!!!!