Sunday, August 2, 2009

Welcome back you lovely room 4 kids

I hope you all had a great holiday

Welcome also to Miss Tong who is going to be teaching in our room for 3 weeks. Aren’t you so lucky to have two teachers helping you to learn.

In our inquiry time this term, we are learning about inventors and inventions. For the next couple of weeks the children will be immersed in knowledge about this topic. Already they have a little knowledge about what they think inventors do.

In the photos the children know that they have to design or plan something first before they can be inventors.


The children have now reflected on their designs and their finished products [thank you cards ] and have interesting thoughts on why they changed their original designs. I wonder if inventors have to change their designs to make them finish with a better product???? [ This is ? is on our Wonder Wall ]

The trip to see Mr Sketcher at Cheltenham Wrought Iron was another way of immersing the kids in the process of what an inventor does to make a product that he can sell to the public.

1 comment:

Carwyn Caffell said...

Reflection on orginal work and then added innovations to improve their first designs, would have been a valuable learning point for our students. I'm sure inventors very rarely get it right the first time and this would have become obvious to the children.