Sunday, June 21, 2009

Racing Rima - Heroes

What has gone well in our Topic—Heroes in Room Five

Firstly and very importantly, having visitors – heroes in our school, who shared their experiences first hand and answered the children’s questions. This was much more beneficial than finding answers in books , Google, etc but in saying that, books and other resources provided very useful background information, rather than being the information

Before Brigadier Torrance came, the children became enthused through the ‘Whisky 3’ website where they viewed photos and became familiar with the environment in Vietnam and could recognise the Brigadier. They had some very specific questions which he answered in full, and so much was learnt. The children loved seeing his medals, uniform and sword etc. which added meaning. Many of the Year 3 and 4’s had a real feel for what the Brigadier went through in the War.

Danyon Loader was another success, relating so well to the children. The children had a good background of his life so they had other things they wanted to find out, another opportunity to have their questions answered. Most children understood that there was a sacrifice made over years, hours and kilometres of training, leading to success.

We looked at our visitors ‘attributes’ which reflected the Key Competencies which we’ve been looking at quite closely. Eg. Thinking on the spot and making decisions which were hopefully the best for all concerned, working alongside others to succeed, being part of a team and cooperating with others and contributing to the group and managing self in regards to time and looking after/using the tools of the job.

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