Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hero vs Superhero

When introducing the topic in IMMERSION stage, there was a lot of confusion about heroes - children automatically aligned their thinking with superheroes (at this stage they do not know the task).
We used the DEFINE MAP to help clarrify ideas. Using the children original thinking on this topic, we defined a hero and superhero. The DEFINE MAP, challenged the childrens thinking as they had to justify their decisions. It made children consider different aspects of heroism, something that hadn't really happened before. The children studied a variety of heroes and use contextual language form their studies to help them when compiling the DEFINE MAP.

To follow are examples of defintions written after using the MAP.
A hero is someone that saves the day and is modest about the things they do.

A hero is an everyday person who does heroic acts and is a role model that inspores others to do good things.

A hero is a modest person who never gives up, has the courage to risk their lives for people in desperate need.

A hero is a courageous person who is kind to people and willing to save people in danger.

The define map is a great strategy, it encourages powerful thinking and great discussions.

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